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teamwork that achieves results

A team with a focus on your success?

Absolutely. Our team is committed to working with you and your employees, so you reach your goals and can reap the rewards

The driving force behind your business progression


Neil Baldwin

Neil is Managing Director of Partners in Performance. He has more than 30 years experience working within industry.  His current focus revolves around delivery of high level and high quality solutions that have a strong operational focus.

Formerly an Operations Executive and Head of Operational Training within a large UK bank, Neil’s areas of expertise include; Cultural Change, Sales & Sales Management, Leadership and Personal Development, Executive and Management Coaching.

Our clients have told us they really value Neil’s practical and job-focussed approach to our engagements, particularly in terms of helping to transfer learning into the workplace in a way that makes a real difference to performance. 



Brenda Duffy


Brenda is Head of Consulting. She has over 25 years experience within management and leadership development. During this time she has designed and delivered a wide range of training and development interventions at all levels.

Brenda's areas of expertise include Leadership & Management Development, Cultural Change & Development, Executive & Management Coaching, Communication and Influencing Skills, Graduate/Talent Development and Team Development.

In many of these areas Brenda is a subject matter expert, with many organisations seeking her input on new initiatives and projects.  Our clients tell us Brenda's motivational appproach and her passion for continuous improvement brings an extra special contribution to her work.



Consultancy Team

Neil and Brenda are supported by our consulting team.  The team is made up of a wide range of experienced professionals, all of whom are experts in their own field.

Consultants work with our Lead Partners to provide expertise in particular areas based on their experience in key areas, markets and sectors.